Northland Center Mall

Southfield, Michigan - March 13, 1954
Exterior view of the J. L. Hudson department store at the still fresh and clean Northland Center, right around the time the mall first opened. You can tell it still had that new mall smell here, with a parking lot that was smooth as a baby's bottom. They're so cute at that age aren't they? ;) Here's a bit of handy history from the excellent Wikipedia entry:
The Northland opening was the first major postwar development in suburban Detroit and was the first of many forays into the suburbs by Hudson's. Some $30,000,000 was invested in constructing the facility. The first-year gross for the Northland Hudson's was $88,000,000.Mall history: 1954 - present
Designed by Victor Gruen, the mall opened to much fanfare. Articles about the center appeared in national media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, Look, Life, Ladies Home Journal and Newsweek. All heralded that the concept represented the future of shopping in post-war America. Besides Hudson's, Northland opened with a number of other prestigious local retailers including: Hughes & Hatcher, Baker's Shoes, Himelhoch's, Winkelman's, Kresge, Robinson Furniture, Better Made Potato Chips, Kroger, and Sanders in the two-million-square-foot center. Northland featured auditoriums, a bank, post office, infirmary, sculptures, fountains, an office for lost children, lavish landscaping, and free gasoline for certain customers.
Architect: Victor Gruen
Current website: here
Current aerial view
Info from Wikipedia
Previous entries: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
(Study image courtesy and © Wayne State University)
I just found your blog and I have to say it is great to realize there's someone else besides me that LOVES older mall architecture. I'm also a fan of school architecture but malls are great. Thanks for keeping such an awesome site. But anyway, I was going to say this building reminds me of an old Jordan Marsh department store that was unfortunately remodeled into a Macy's a few years back.
I love the presence the Hudson's has... you can't miss it. Truly exception modern architecture.
Many many happy memories associated with Northland Center.
My brother spent a great deal of time in the lost children center (police station). He was a wanderer!
I will cherish the memories of this beautiful mall and thankful I was there when it was brand new and thriving!
Cora, Himmelhoch's was a high-end chain of ladies botique clothing. Wolf Himmelhoch started the store(s) in 1907 in Detroit, and they were very popular especially in the 40s through the 60s.
There was another boutique that I can't remember the name. They sold hippie type clothes. Does anyone remember the name during the 60's. Thanks, Mimi
I'm looking for a photo of the monkey cage at the Hughes & Hatcher store at Northland Mall in Southfield.
Please contact me with any information on this matter.
Thank you.
I remember that monkey cage. Mom took me there to buy Levi's. Those monkeys would do the nasty in front of every one. I wouldn't go in those elevators. They had back doors that would open to now where scary
Nadons boutique had hippie stuff
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