Country Club Centre

Sacramento, California - circa 1950s
My time has been short the past several days, so blogging has been a little leaner and less frequent than usual (which is why I'm doing at least a little bit kind of late here today). But all will be back to normal very soon. :)
Anyway, so yeah, this is a really cool and vintage postcard photo of the Country Club Centre, in Sacramento. Here's the postcard caption:
"Country Club Shopping Center. One of Sacramento's most complete suburban shopping areas, with ample free parking. Located on El Camino near Watt Avenue."Edit: Thanks to Randy, for positively identifying this shot for me. Earlier I had it posted as the Country Club Plaza Mall, which though right across the street (you can see it in the aerial), is not the one pictured here. This is the Country Club Centre. My confusion came largely from the postcard caption itself, which does read exactly as I have it above. But anyway, I think we're all set now.
Btw, please read the comments for this entry. Randy's looking for some history help re: Rhodes department stores (Tacoma-based chain), as seen in this photo. I'm sure the experts here can help him out. Scott?...
Mall history: 1952 - 2003 (dead/redeveloped?)
Current website: n/a
Current aerial view
Resource links: 1
Previous entries: none
Wow! I love the cars! Hey close the door kid!
This makes me smile. Grew up north of Sacramento (Redding) but spent ALOT of time in Sac. And of course, all the malls! Roseville has a really nice one now.
This mall is actually Country Club Centre, which was Sacramento's first suburban mall, built in 1952, nearly nine years before Country Club Plaza opened across from Watt Avenue from the east.
The Rhodes department store anchor was California's first outlet of the Tacoma-based chain. I have been searching online for information on how Rhodes made their entrance into California with not much sucess. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Rhodes later became Liberty House (from Honolulu) in the mid 1970s, and closed in 1984, when they turned their focus on their mainstream Hawaii chain.
Thanks for catching that Randy! I really appreciate it and have updated this entry. :)
I believe Rhodes entered California around 1960, when it acqurired Kahns, which was based in Oakland. Kahns had some branch stores too, but the only one I know for certain was in Concord. However, I would assume that any Rhodes stores in the Bay Area built prior to 1960 opened as a Kahns.
Whether or not Kahns went all the way to Sacramento is another question. Local chains stayed pretty local back then unless they had the cash to expand, which is why they all eventually died or got bought out. Weinstocks is the only local store based out of Sacramento that I ever knew of, but there may have been another if you go back far enough.
For myself, I'll guess that the Country Club store originally was a Kahns. Of course, all of these would become Liberty House after Amfac bought out Rhodes in the late 60's. In fact, I recall seeing a Liberty House in the old Southgate Center on Florin Road that looked like it dated from the 1950's. My guess is that was also a Rhodes and probably a Kahns as well.
Here's a Wikipedia article about Liberty House that lists some former Liberty House locations in California, some of which it lists as having been Rhodes and/or Kahn's originally;
Country Club Plaza, Country Club Centre, it's easy to confuse. In fact, unless you live in the immediate area, you probably don't know the difference. Funny, I was just there. Country Club Plaza is still a small enclosed mall. Country Club Centre, though, is really just Wal-Mart (in the old Montgomery Ward building), and some incline shops in a strip center. The Liberty House (previously known as Rhodes) and really small enclosed mall is now some sort of office building (more or less). It had glass doors that you can look inside and see what could have once been a really small mall (in the style of Mayfield Mall in Mountain View, CA).
However, I'm having trouble reconciling this postcard because it makes the center look much bigger than it is now. Perhaps a portion of it was torn down at some point; I just don't know (and can't seem to find anyone who does).
As for the Liberty House, Rhodes, Kahns story, I think Georob has got it covered. It's easy to tell what was previously a Rhodes because the stores were smaller than the later Liberty House buildings (Southland, Sunrise Mall, etc). But, that's all I know!
Randy, is this the side of the Centre facing El Camino? I work in this neighborhood and I can't place this image. At first I thought it was the Plaza (facing Watt Ave.) and that Gottschalk's is now located where the Rhodes store is in the photo.
It's a shame Country Club Centre has been swallowed up by Wal-Mart. I used to run to Long's Drugs and some of the other stores there after work. My favorite store there was Woolworth's. I miss that place.
Country Club Plaza used to be a nice little mall, too, but it's been renovated into a big, drafty, echo-y cavern of a place.
Many thanks to Hushpuppy about the history of the Rhodes chain, though I already knew about the Kahn's and Olds & King acquisitions. I am still wondering on how the Tacoma-based chain chose to venture into those retail markets as distant as San Antonio. It's possible Rhodes might have acquired Wolff & Marx in downtown San Antonio.
As for Wednesday's inquiry, I could not tell which street the center was facing as pictured in the postcard, for this was before my time and I could only recognize the Rhodes anchor.
Thanks, Randy, I spotted Woolworth's right in the middle of the photo so now I recognize the location. This is a great image, by the way. I love the cars!
bigmallrat is correct that the Rhodes/Liberty House is now an office building, if I remember correctly, sometime in the 80's part of the mall was torn down to make a much smaller mall. If you look at the aerial view, the building just to the left of the main part of the mall was once attached.
The other post about Rhodes being once being in Southgate is correct, I remember going there as a kid in the 60's. They even had a miniature golf course right in the mall right outside Rhodes!
Hughpuppy, that history was well written. Now I know why my mom would call it Rhodesway!!
And Marty, thanks for confirming the demolition of part of the mall. THe aerial makes sense, now.
Wednesday, this postcard most likely was taken from the corner of Butano and Watt.
I can also confirm that a part of this mall was torn down in the 80's by Buzz Oates during a redevelopment project to mix the retail with some office space. The Rhodes/Liberty House building is actually now the parking lot to the west of the current office building. Part of the west wing was demolished to build the office space. I remember going to this mall as a kid in the 70's, and my mom would always park in the underground garage, and I loved the glass doors leading to the escalator that would pop you up right in the middle of the mall by the Karmelkorn. You can guess what I went for first thing.... Other stores of note in this mall were Kid-E-Corral, Longs Drugs, and Montgomery Ward (now occupied by a Wal Mart). The current incarnation of the mall bears little resemblance to the photo.
Half of the Country Club Centre Mall was torn down somewhere between 1998 to 2001 . Where you see a tall structure with pipes sticking out of the top is toward the end of the mall today, where See's Candies is located . So the mall in the groovie post card from the 1950s, you can see this same structure with pipes sticking out of the top, right in the middle of the mall . So it was double the size back then that it is today .
To help look for the structure with pipes, look at the postcard, look at the set of palm trees in the middle, then look at the roof . There it is, on the roof, about 6 to 8 meters back from the palm trees . I hope this helps .
I'm 33 (2007). This photo is of what was Country Club Centre. The office building which every one is discussing was Rhodes, (later Liberty House in the early 1970's). It remained intact with the Liberty House signage until 1988 vacant and empty. The building was NOT demolished but guted and the frame stayed and made into this very private office building.
Liberty House closed in 1984. The mall suffered and remained open but was vancant with all but Montgomery Ward (now Wal-Mart) and Longs Drug store (now Office Depot). This mall was until the end of the 1970's being the more high end of all the malls in Sacramento.
Next to Rhodes (Liberty House) was Joseph Magnin which also was closed in early 1984 at the same time as Liberty House.
After that many stores moved to Country Club Plaza. The mall from Joseph Magnin to what looks like Woolworth was demolished in 1995.
What is interesting is that I remember that mall and what it looked like as a child in the late 1970's.
Each store inside had it's signage on a uniform space right under the roof the of the mall. The floors were spaced with trees and benches and infront of Liberty House and Joseph Magnin was skylight and a large open space which lead to the parking lot at the back entrance of what was the 1970's Liberty House.
In 1986 plans to renivate the mall were made public by Buzz Oates but once Arden Fair made public of its plans two years later the mall just became closed and now is what is today.
There was a restaurant here that severed bagel sandwiches that were incredible. I have such great memories of this place. They had THE BEST Santa's workshop set up here. What a great post and picture.
Today is August 19, 2010. I know I am coming in on this years late. Thank you for the picture. I grew up in Carmichael and needed to reminisce. The Country Club Center had a neon sign on the El Camino side that changed from "center" to "enter" with an arrow, as I recall. Strange thing about this mall is that it was originally open, and got enclosed some time between 1970 and 1974 I think. I have deep memories of Christmas shopping through the mall in the early 70's -- lights, music, crowds. Thank you.
I am also posting long after your original thread started...I remember CCC being an open mall, we were trying to remember what was on the other end before Montgomery Wards (now WalMart) Kid-E-Korral was where everyone shopped for school uniforms...first communion dresses...and all the gear you needed for scouts and campfire girls. I think Emigh's Hardware was in there too (before moving to the old Kinney's shoe store location LOL) Wow! Memories!
I grew up with this mall and have loved reading everybody's comments. The mall was actually a large open-air shopping center with a row of stores in the back as well. Before it was Wal-mart, it was Montgomery Ward, but the original store where Wal-Mart is now was a Lucky grocery store. I remember it had yellow and green tile on the outside. Inside the open air section was a House of Fabrics, my mom and I used to do in there. In the back stores I also remember a Tall-Girl's shop also if my memory serves me correct. The view of the postcard is taken from Watt Avenue. Thanks for the memories guys!
Bigmallrat, the Country Club Centre picture was taken from along El Camino ave, which runs east-west in front of the mall. A portion was torn down between the old Rhodes Building and See's Candies (See's is the only surviving ORIGINAL store that has NEVER moved since CCC opened in 52)
Two memories, The land was a goat farm before it was CCC. I remember the Karmel Korn store!! Gosh I loved Karmel Korn :)
CCP has been purchased by EDM, a Bay Area conglomerate that has done some really nice work, but seems intent on turning this fine old mall into a mishmash of this and that, sure to continue the decline of the area. Into the old Gottschalks building will go yet another discount grocery, WinCo. That will make 3 discount groceries in a 1.8 mile radius. When I moved here in 1980 Arden Arcade was THE place to live. The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors haspretty much allowed the decline by allowing questionable businesses to move in. It's become all about filling the empty storefront rather than adding quality.The area has a high density of rental units (BOS just approved another 328 units) liquor stores (the Winco will be a 22 hour liquor store), massage parlors, check into cash type stores and thrift stores. For all the better stores, we have to travel 20 minutes to Roseville. Then came the depression in 2007 and most of us who love it here found our homes under water with no re-location options. It wouldn't be difficult to turn it all around, but it woulld take some work and infrastructure that will cost money.The possibilities are there. The PGA is having their 2015 Senior Tournament at our local golf course, Del Paso country Club. If there were only some imagination and determination in the county...
The Hermit--Goat Herder-- owned the land and sold it. There was a women"s store called Ransahoff(spelling??) Roos Atckins (mens store) Kay's Jewelers, JC Penney's W. T. Grant's, Woolworths (they moved to CCP), Payless Drugs in the back, Lerner's (dress shop) Anita's (dress shop), Leeds Shoes, Kinny Shoes, See's and KarmelKorn. Those are the ones I remember. Across the street was Kiddie's Kingdom. The Front of CCC was the El Camino side. CCC was the place to go back in the 50's and early 60's. The only other close shopping center was Town & Country Village, back then it was more little shops--speciality shops.
I met my wife Betsy at Liberty House in 1979. Liberty House was kinda like a Macy's, great quality. This was the best store in Southgate Shopping Mall. Southgate was before Florin Mall. Florin Mall was built and took some of the business from Southgate. Mall had a Mini Golf Course, Grants, Luckys Supermarket, JC Phennys . Like to see pics of Liberty House/ Southgate.
I remember playing at the Stop N Shop grocery store before it was Country Club Plaza across the street, we picked up old Pepsi bottles in the ivy at Country Club Lanes bowling alley that people would throw in there and return them for a nickel at Stop N Shop, we used to play with the live lobsters in the tank and the Asian guys working there would chase us away. I also used to press my face on the KRAK radio station window which was on the back side of Country Club Centre, the DJs there would chase us away too, we were pesky kids :) The thing I remember best is when they had 4th of July fireworks in the gravel parking lot behind CCC where Sams Club is now, one year they advertised they were going to set off 1 million firecrackers!!! It was a big let down, it didn't last very long. There was a little diner back there too, my grandfather used to take us there for breakfast on special occasions, one time he left a quarter and a dime for a tip and I thought he forgot them so I picked them up and when I got in the car and gave them back to him, he was not happy and had to go back in and give them to the waitress. Later on I worked in the locksmith kiosk in the parking lot and a friend worked at Millers Outpost, Levis 501's were $4.99 back then.
Just for info, Stop N Shop (from my post above) that was torn down to build the mall was located where Gottschalk was, before that it was JC Penney.
Country Club Centre was located to the s/w of the intersection of Watt Avenue and El Camino Avenue. The photo was taken from the northwest corner of the north parking lot looking back to the southeast. Judging by the cars the photo was taken around 1957-1958. It shows all the businesses of the shopping center at the time. More stores, including Payless Drugs, House of Fabrics, The Toy Shop, and Grebitus Jewelers were added later in the area behind Woolworth's to Joseph Magnin's.
The stores in the photo, all with main entrances facing north towards El Camino Avenue, are, east to west (left to right): Luckys (grocery); Walgreen Drugs; Emigh Hardware; W. T. Grant; Eagleson's (men's clothing); Kid-E-Korral (children's clothing, boy and girl scout outfitters, and some toys; Moss Stores; Heinz Bakery; Green & Heyden Shoes; Anita Shops (women's); Kirby Shoes; J. C. Penney; Meril Photo Supply; Fashion Fabrics; Casual Corner; Sees candies; Mode o' Day (women's); Thom McAn shoes; F. W. Woolworth; Foreman and Clark (men's); Singer (sewing); Hartfield's (women's); Leed's (shoes); Joseph Magnin (women's); and Rhodes (department store). Rhodes was the only store with two full floors. W. T. Grant had a partial basement (toys and fabrics) as did The Toy Shop. Emigh hardware and J. C. Penney each had a mezzanine floor. I have a fond memory of watching a black and white TV broadcast up on the mezzanine of Emigh hardware. Broderick Crawford was shooting bad guys with deadly accuracy from a flying helicopter with a two inch revolver. I knew right then I wanted to be a Highway Patrolman!
There were two breezeways, one located between Rhodes and Joseph Magnin, the other between Woolworth's and Thom McAn Shoes. Within the second breezeway were several small businesses, American Trust Bank, and offices for the shopping center. Breezeway small business tenants in 1957 were Kay's Burger Kitchen, Al's shoe repair, Pandora Gift Box, Country Club Centre Beauty Salon, and a barber shop.
Grebitus Jewelers also had a basement; remember the spiral ramp leading up from the back door facing the south parking lot to the upper (main) floor? Also, I'm pretty sure Rhodes had a basement. Last but not least, I recall a US Post Office for a time occupied a spot on the south side below Pay Less Drug.
Foxy Loxy was the restaurant.
Does anyone recall the name of the restaurant on the Rhodes end of the mall? It was cafeteria style. I remember roast beef sandwiches and tall glasses of jello and pudding.
Does anyone remember Gourmet Lane on the Plaza side 1968? Cant remember if that is right name. Had Chinese food for one.
The private office building everyone’s referring to is th Department of Water Resources….We remodeled it in the mid 90s ….We were told it was the old Liberty House building,,,..3 or 4 stories with underground parking…..It’s was quite a tech marvel inside .
We did find old newspapers plugging holes thru the floors from WAY back,,advertising bras and woman’s clothes ….
Ah yes, Liberty House! Where young professional women would shop for their business attire, and then grab a bite at the Foxy Loxy. :)
I have fond memories of the days when Country Club Center had a beautiful interior mall lined with shops and decorated with islands of greenery. Today I was in the neighborhood and tried to do a bit of urban exploring. Locked door prevent access to the interior mall of course, but if I pressed my face against the glass I could see the wasteland that interior mall has become -- just bare concrete, stripped walls and the detritus of the past. A sad, sentimental moment. Perhaps some day the owners will restore that interior mall, but I won't count on it.
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