Monday, November 07, 2005

Hess's Department Store interiors

Allentown, Pennsylvania - 1960's

Allentown, Pennsylvania - 1971

The photo above was shot during the annual 1971 International Flower Show inside Hess's.


  1. did you know that your website does not work in the firefox browser?

  2. Hi mega! Thanks for the note. Yes, I'm aware that some people are having trouble when viewing this site in Firefox, but not all are. For instance, it's fine for me in Firefox, and a handful of other people I've mentioned this issue to. And I see in my site stats that many people are visiting regularly with that browser (and staying), so I know it doesn't give everyone problems.

    But I'm looking into it as we speak and will try to get to the bottom of it. I think I know the cause, now I just need to work on the remedy.

    Meantime, I know all my blogs work fine in Internet Explorer, so temporarily, you may want to use that with my blogs.

    I'll post here when the issue is figured out and resolved. Thanks again and sorry for the inconvenience. :)

  3. Thanks, Cora. It's a Javascript issue. I'm working on it...

  4. Wow. Those photos make me sneeze just looking at them.
