Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Retro Mall Video - Robert Hall Fashion Centers

Robert Hall commercial (1970s)

Here's a very groovy retro TV commercial for Maryland area Robert Hall Family Fashion Centers. Really captures that swanky vintage retail vibe perfectly. And dig that great Robert Hall song jingle muzak in the background! Ah, bliss...


  1. The lyrics to tht song were, "where the values go up, up, up... and the prices go down, down, down...

  2. Love the lady's coat???

    I wondered not only why the man's suit was just a drawing but why did it not look 1970s-ish to me?

  3. Cora, the suit does look like something from the forties. This is why I was confused as to why it was on sale in a commercial for the 1970s.

  4. Great clip, I had forgotten about Robert Hall, just like most of their customers apparently did as well. But it also makes me remember another retailer from the same era, Mary McIntosh Cleaners, who had these bizarre tartan plaid colored buildings and sign boards. I can't find anything good on the web on that one though.
