Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Malls of America on the radio!

Actually on web radio that is, but at any rate, I just now found out that this blog got a really nice little mention on The Overnightscape, a talk radio show hosted by Frank Edward Nora (a man of impeccable taste, obviously, hehe), way back in December of 2005. Yes, somehow it took me this long to finally notice it! Duh.

Anyway, Frank was very kind to Malls of America, which was at that time, still quite wet behind the ears and finding its legs, and I really appreciate his early enthusiasm and support of the site--even though I was completely unaware of it at the time, unfortunately.

But I thought what he had to say was so nice I'd share it here on the blog today. I guess it's about time, right?! :D Anyway, I've 'scoped the show down (in radio parlance) for this excerpt clip, so that only the bits about MOA remain.

Again, a much belated thanks to Frank, and
The Overnightscape, for the kind mention. Pay close attention to his obvious excitement, btw... that's exactly how I feel about it too, and it's with those kind of emotions that I started this blog and continue to do it! I can tell Mr. Nora obviously "gets it", in just the way I'm always hoping people will when they visit Malls of America. :)

So click right here for my edited mp3 clip of The Overnightscape (show #347, Tuesday, December 13, 2005).


  1. Wow, great to see you here Frank. I listen to Overnightscape all the time! Fun show. :-)

    I feel the same way you do in this audio clip, btw.

  2. are the man. :) Thanks so much for that!

    I'm glad to hear you still dig the site and visit regularly. Hope you keep coming back, and thanks once again for mentioning MOA on The Overnightscape--it was a huge thrill for me to hear that!
