Monday, March 19, 2007

Macy's Valley Fair Shopping Center

San Jose, California - 1986

OK, I'm gonna keep the Valley Fair ball rolling here a little bit longer with these two photos. I highlighted the mall's great entrance sign in my last post on this classic shopping center, and here we see said sign again, but this time in color(!) and in a slightly updated incarnation (above) from its original design, with alternating pole heights. So if this is how you remembered it years ago, you weren't dreaming.

San Jose, California - 1986

The second pic above, is another sign found elsewehere in the Valley Fair Shopping Center parking lot. Both snapshots were taken in 1986, right before these swanktastic signs were torn down. Thanks very much to the donor of these photos, who wishes to remain anonymous. Much appreciated!

Edited for spelling.

Mall history: 1956 - 1986
Developer: R. H. May & Co. Inc.
Current website: here (redeveloped)
Current aerial view
Info from Wikipedia
Resource links: 1, 2, 3
Previous entries: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


  1. These are fantastic pictures, Kieth. That sign was such a landmark! Notice the "VALLEYFAIR" sign has a darker tone in the fifties pic.

    If this was taken in 1986, the mall expansion was well under construction, which opened later that year or early 1987.

    By the way, Westfield has a little history section. Check out the video on the left of that page.

    -Mike carroll

  2. What a privilege to get to see these; thanks so much for sharing them.

  3. These pictures really are one-of-a-kind; found nowhere else. I loved them!

    Mike, nice video. I got the feeling I was really there.
    I hope Westfield paid you well.


  4. That sign is even more gorgeous in color than in black and white!!!

  5. i LOVE your blog!
    thank you so much for blogrolling me!
    i am so honored + thrilled + i'm blogrolling you on my mod*pals list so i can remember to check all your blogs more frequently!

    i live near that valley fair mall!
    groovy pics!

  6. looking at these pictures makes me wonder why mall signs are so bland these days.

    height restrictions? fear of neighbors complaining? cost? c'mon people cant you (who designs todays signs) be creative FOR ONCE??????????

    I seriously think the post-modernist movement had something to do with it.

    that sign looks more innovative than todays attract signs!
