Saturday, May 06, 2006

Cross County Center

Yonkers, New York - 1956

Very moody and stylish shot of the entrance to the Wanamaker store in Cross County Center, taken when the mall first opened.

Yonkers, New York - 1956

Another great Wanamaker shot. Quality isn't the best on these, but to me, the photos more than make up for it! They don't appear to have much of a website right now, but maybe that will change as their current major renovation and expansion project gets closer to completion (scheduled 2006--2009).

Mall history: 1956 - present
Current website: here
Current aerial view
Previous entries: 1, 2


  1. John Wanamaker had the best logo :-)

  2. Hmmm, My birth place, though I've grown up here in So. Ca. for most of my life. Interesting that they would use Fu Dogs back in the 1950s. I wonder if the whole mall had a Chinese theme?

  3. This John Wanamaker currently operates as a SEARS.

  4. That Wanamaker's logo screams 'classic', even if I've never seen it in person.

    Major anchor stores sure did love that 'scripted' look for their logos back then. THe aformentioned Wanamaker's, Kohl's, Sears (at most stores), Marshall Fields.....

    They are all classic examples of retailing past and I sure do miss seeing them.

  5. Wanamaker's was the upscale anchor of the mall. To park close to an entrance, you'd park behind the building and enter on the second floor [where they had a great little gourmet store]. One of the things I remember most fondly about John Wanamaker was the playing of "Taps"to signal the closing of the store every evening.

  6. Sometime in the 60's I saw a short documentary in the movie theatre about the Cross County Shopping Center in Yonkers New York. Is there any way of finding or viewing this film? Thank you.
