Saturday, May 06, 2006

Cherry Hill Mall

Cherry Hill, New Jersey - 1963

Postcard caption reads: "A view of Market Court where colorful gay Kiosks display unusual and fascinating gifts from many lands."

Mall history: 1961 - present
Architect: Victor Gruen (1903-1980)
Current website: here
Current aerial view
Previous entries: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


  1. Look over to the left of the photo. Is that a liquor store opening directly into the mall?

    1. My father was one of the owners.

  2. Looks like it to me. Liquor stores (and lounges, for that matter) weren't uncommon in early malls -- they fit in with the whole concept of the mall as a full-service community center. Supermarkets, post offices, barber shops, florists and drug stores also fit into that mix in the days before tenant lists were fashion-oriented.

  3. Speaking of a more varied tenant mix then, compared to now, as I read this blog, and old newspaper articles about malls that opened in the 1950s-1970s, the whole 'fashion and gifts only' tenant mix didn't kick into gear until the mid '70s I would guess.

    Also let's not forget. Malls back in the day were run by a local group...a 'merchants association', comprised of shop managers.

    All ended by the late 1970s when fashion and gifts were the order of the day in tenant mix, and companies that built the malls, bought them out from under these groups of managers and decided to cash in on the whole 'fashion oriented' craze of the 1980s. All downhill from there through today.

    This is all just a's not hard facts.

    If things only would go back to more of a mixed use like this (if retailers were willing to, which they aren't.) and were run by a local group of managers instead of huge monopoly companies, you'd still be seeing enclosed malls built today, abelt on a smaller scale.

    Ah well, one can dream, can't they?

  4. I even remember a cigarette store when I was younger. My Dad swore by that place...

  5. Yes it was a liquor store. They also had a lot of very varied and interesting stores as well as a woolworths dining room. My favorite stores when I was a kid were "A shop called East" and "Dunderbachs". I took ballet in that mall as well.

  6. The store next to the Liquor store was Kresges 5 & 10. You could eat a sandwich there because they had a small restaurant inside. I would walk that mall over and over on Saturday nights with my best friend looking to meet new faces. Pea Coats were in back then in 1970-71. Next to the liquor store on the other side was amusement rides for the children. It was nicer back then. Oh, we also had our class pictures taken in that mall. Thanks for the memories!

  7. Wow. I'd forgotten about the Kresge's and the liquor store. There was also a tobacco shop, a Mr. Dunderbak's store and a bunch of neat shops. I remember going to a birthday party or two in the amusement park and seeing more than a few movies at the Cinema.

  8. "A shop called east" was the coolest.. and there was a record store with this really cool guy in it.Can't remember the name... and you could eat at a counter in middle for fries and cherry cokes... Many Many saturdays I strolled there with my girlfriends from Brainerd and then CHWest!!! 1968-70

  9. I remember the huge bird cage in front of Kresgees. There was also a Food Fair grocery store right in the mall too. Do you remember the kiddie rides? I do. There was a neat stationary store that sold all sorts of neat little crafty things as well as the all important white poster board for school projects. My Grandmother loved to eat at the Harvest House inside Woolworths. My first job was as a fitting room attendant at Bambergers. In the early days most of the stores were closed on Sundays. Some Sat. evenings there were concerts by the big fountain near Strawbridges!Do you remember Parklane Hosiary? They even sold big grandma hats. How about Maryann's, Peck & Peck the bakery with those yummy sticky buns???

  10. That is my father's liquor store and that is my father sitting on the bench in that postcard next to an unidentified woman. My father's name was Burt Milask. Eventually, he moved his liquor store to the Bamberger's side of the mall, between Wurlitzer and Sid's Pants.

    1. I remember this. I went to school and was neighbors with Eric Milask.

  11. I remember Mr. Dunderbak VERY well...and Armond's record store...purchased a lot of 45's there. I just looked online for "A Shop Called East" to see if any were still open..loved that store. Still ahve the "Fu Manchu for Mayor" poster that I purchased there!! I wish that malls today had boutique stores such as these

  12. Why you don't post more info about this awesome mall? some pho6tos will help too.

  13. Can someone tell me if there was an italian restaruant in that mall ? 70's - 80's? I'm trying to research it. Can't find any info. I vaguely remember going to this restaurant when I was little. If

  14. I worked at a shop called East! What an enlightening experience! The owners were twins married to twins, great people and sharp international buyers, the clientele was so eclectic, met my first drag queens there as customers in 1969.

    1. Was this in Cherry Hill Mall in NJ?

  15. Does anyone have any photos of the ice rink that was in the mall? The entrance was outside on the Woolworth side. I believe it was named CliffDale Rink. I started skating there when I was 4 and went on to compete in my teens, but it had closed long before then. I loved this mall so much as a child. Every store was amazing, the birdcage, the kids amusement park (I was terrified in the haunted house ride!) Wish I had found this site of yours years ago.
