Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Gateway Mall

Lincoln, Nebraska - 1960's

Plaza area.


  1. i grew up in lincoln, they remodeled that mall in the late 80's and i just have the faintest of memories of its original 1960's luster...wooo lincoln

  2. I grew up in Omaha {now live in Texas}, and I can remember stopping at the Gateway everytime I stopped in Lincoln in the late 70s.
    Geez, I feel old...

  3. I grew up in central NE and my grandparents lived in Lincoln, so when we would go to visit them Gateway was always a stop. I remember the mall from the 80s and have watched the mall change over and over again- with additions and becoming an enclosed mall. I live in Kansas now and I still have to return to that mall when I visit my grandmother. Something about that place brings back great memories (kind of weird, I know, since it's a mall!).
