Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Mall Shopping Center

Horseheads New York. 1960's

I really wish I could go back in time, don't you? Don't you wish I could go back in time? A mall like this, back in the '60s, would be one of the first places I'd head for!

And those ugly, tacky plants there around the walkway! Looks like a yucky swamp under there. And yet, to my eyes, it's beautiful all the same. :)


  1. Is that a Penny's I see as an anchor? I guess they're another retailer from our youth that bit the dust.

  2. JC Penny's are still hanging on in my area. I love the old style logo. Triggers some great memories.

    Thanks for this site, Keith. You've really hit a common nerve here. I don't know where you're finding all these great pics...but keep 'em coming!

  3. Thanks, Tom! Lots more to come, don't worry. As long as people are digging it, I'll keep bringing it to dig. :)

  4. Mmmm. Imagine, an entire mall in shades of avacado green!

  5. OMG! just featured this blog on it's blog, and I was looking through it and thought, I wish I could see what what is now called the Arnot Mall looked like when I was young, and here it is!!! I lived in Horseheads from birth to 10 years old ('70-'80), so I spent a good amount of time at this mall, running around those platforms (I'd almost forgotten the chains) That's where Santa Claus was at Christmas. The JC Penney's was at that end and a defunct or acquired department store called Iszard's was at the other end.

    In this photo, I can so easily picture the Woolworth's to the left, the Spencer Gifts and Zales on the right, the Suit Store further down, and just outside the entrance to Penney's, the hall widened and there was a barber shop where I always got my hair cut and a tobacco shop. You can't tell at all in this photo.

    There was a fabric store near Iszard's that had an old Parrot in a cage, I think his name was Charlie or Oscar. He was the only thing that made a visit to that store bearable.

    But in the early 80's shortly after I moved away, the mall expanded to about three times the size it was originally. Last time I was there, though, tough times have fallen on it. While not the ghost town some malls are, it wasn't nearly as vital as it used to be. It is cool that they have a full size glider in the main atrium area (in expansion area). That area is "The Gliding Capitol of the World."

    Thanks for the walk down memory lane!

  6. Holy smokes...I was surfing around the web and came across this pic. I also spent lots of time in this mall as a kid when I lived in Horseheads in the late 1960s-early 1970s. And, yes, that was where SANTA was, and they had a santa in the Woolworths just out of the shot and THAT'S where I asked my mom.."How can there be two Santas?"
    I also remember an "art show" there once featuring black velvets including some African nudes that my father RUSHED us away from...LOL.I used to get so excited going to that mall as a for the memory!

  7. I wish our mall still looked like that. It's so much better than it is now. Now it's just dumpy.

  8. Wow - I had no idea that pictures of "The Mall" were out there somewhere - thanks Keith. I grew up in Corning, NY, and it was a big deal for us to finally have a mall in our area. I spent many an afternoon chasing my little sister around on that tacky red-carpeted bridge thingy. I also remember the McCrory's five and dime to the left (was it originally a Woolworth's?). My grandmother used to treat me to lunch (and a sundae if I was good) at McCrory's lunch counter. There was also a a nicer restaurant called "The Flaming Pit" in the mall. It was a big deal when the family got to go there for dinner. My sisters and I couldn't wait to finish our dinner because there was a "Treasure Chest" in the lobby from which we got to choose a cool toy on the way out if we were good during dinner.

  9. What was the name of the supermarket that was in The Mall back in the 60's?

  10. The grocery store was Loblaw's. Anybody know the name of the record store down by JC Penney's?

  11. Yes, this was my mall, too. Was it just called "The Mall" or was there another name BEFORE Arnot Mall? We have been trying to remember. I was gone from the area for some 25 yrs. or so, and my family was discussing this. HELP! I want the first name!

    will be looking for an answer...and yes, my sisters and I had our pic taken with Santa...we were teenagers at the time, tho. LOL! Memories!

  12. I remember going there in the mid 70s, before the expansion. Some of my earliest memories were at the Big Flat's Mall as my parents used to call it. We were from Towanda so we would spend the whole day there. I remember Izard's, Spencer's Gifts, and I believe Baskin Robbins.
    My mom and dad used to let my brother and I run around on the platform in the center that had plants and fountains all around the multi level area with red velvet carpet. We loved running around with the other kids and throwing in a pennies.

    I also remember that parrot. I had forgot all about it until I read the comment above.

    McCrory's had great soft pretzels, and I remember the barber shop. There was an amazing store in the center isle that sold all kinds of indoor plants and cactuses. I think it was near JC Penny's.

    I also remember when the expansion came about in 1980 and the Chinese Food and Pizza place was our families' favorite in the food court. The elevator and escalator were a big deal for us. I also remember the indoor miniature golf course of the second level.

    It was so good to find old photos and stories of the mall where I spent many a happy Saturday or Sunday from my childhood through my teenage years.

  13. There was never a Woolworth's in The Mall. It was always McCrorys. Woolworths was in Grand Central Plaza until it closed. Izards is Joanns Fabrics now. As early teens we used to think we were so bad to sneak cigarettes from the machine in Flaming Pits lobby. Then we would go see what new naughty stuff they had at Spencer's Gifts. I think my Brother bought an incense burner, and some incense from there. Then he had to sneak it in our house. Lots of good times at that Mall.

  14. My family owned the Genghis Khan Chinese Food when they built the food court- for a while, it was just us and Picnic Pizza up there.....
