Wednesday, May 16, 2007

NorthPark Center (aka NorthPark Shopping Center)

Dallas, Texas - photos circa 1960s

Malls of America regular contributor, J, sent me these scans a while back (from the pages of a '60s-era Encyclopedia Britannica) of NorthPark Center Mall in Dallas, TX (commonly referred to as NorthPark Shopping Center in those days). Thanks again for the great submissions J!

The first photo is a shot of the Plaza fountain in one wing of the mall (which you can also see here in color). The second shot is obviously an exterior view of one of the mall's parking lot areas and store entrances. Some Wikipedia notes:
"NorthPark Center opened in 1965 as the largest climate-controlled retail establishment in the world. Originally developed by Raymond D. Nasher, the center is now owned, managed, operated and leased by husband and wife David J. Haemisegger and Nancy A. Nasher. After a three-year, $235 million expansion that doubled its size, NorthPark Center is expected to surpass $1 billion in sales in 2007.

From its inception, NorthPark Center has made world-class art an integral part of its interior landscape. NorthPark received the American Institute of Architects Award for 'Design of the Decade - 1960s' as one of the first commercial centers in the United States to create space for the display of fine art.

Over the years as NorthPark Center has remained true to its original design. For the most recent expansion, NorthPark’s owners returned to Omniplan, the architectural firm that originally designed the center with clean, modern lines, signature white brick and highly polished concrete floors. The expansion turned NorthPark’s original U shape into a unique square design surrounding a 1.4-acre landscaped garden known as 'CenterPark'."
Mall history: 1965 - present
Developer: Raymond Nasher
Current website: here
Current aerial view
Info from Wikipedia
Previous entries: 1, 2, 3

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Blogger Scott Parsons said...

I can't believe this mall is a giant square now. I have an old Architectural Record magazine that shows the expansion of themall with Neiman Marcus. I thought it was were Barney's is now. Maybe it was Lord and Taylor. Anyway, the mall ended there. Now it goes all the way around, leaving a dead space in the middle. Guess they can add more department stores that way.

Wed May 16, 04:08:00 PM  
Blogger Livemalls said...

I think the anchor in the second photo is Titche-Goettinger, which is now Dillard's.

Wed May 16, 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad these proved useful. Always happy to be able to give something back to the "community."

Fri May 18, 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think now may be a good time to give myself a swift kick in the rear. I had a set of Encyclopedia Britannicaa from about 1964 which would probably have some vintage pictures as well. I remember lots of different and great photos and I threw it all away when I was moving years ago. Grrr!!! I hadn't even thought about the wasted opportunity until reading this.

Sat May 19, 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually @BigMallRat, now the center of the square is a park, filled with sculpture and native Texas Flora. It used to be a parking lot behind the Gap. So... yeah.

Sat Apr 17, 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous kamagra said...

I've nver gone to this mall center, but I've heard is one of the biggest across the world, where you can find whatever thing you are looking for.

Wed May 18, 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Tracey said...

I love seeing historical photos like these.

Sat Feb 22, 08:15:00 PM  

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