Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Retro Video - Western Hills Mall

1978 Western Hills Mall commercial

Hey everyone! Hope your holidays were super-duper! My little X-mas break from the blog lasted a bit longer than I actually planned, and since I tend to be a rather slow starter when trying to "get back in the swing of things" after an extended vacation, you'll have to forgive me as I slooowly try to ease back into my mall blogging duties here (and catch up on e-mails). :)

OK, so let's begin to dive back in... This is a cool vintage TV commercial I came across on the 'Tube. It's from 1978(!), and it's an ad for Western Hills Mall in Fairfield, Alabama.

It's short but sweet, and also gives me the chance once again, to reiterate how much I just love these kinds of old local TV shopping mall and retail commercials! Something about them really gives me the warm & fuzzy's.

Additionally, here are some excerpts from the mall's Wikipedia entry for some background history and current developments:
"Western Hills Mall is a shopping mall located in Fairfield, Alabama (with part of the property within the city limits of Midfield, Alabama). It opened in the late 1960s with two anchor department stores, Loveman's and J.C. Penney, a Woolworth's discount store, a Britling cafeteria and about three dozen specialty stores. It was the second mall to be built in the greater Birmingham, Alabama area.

In 2006, Western Hills Mall underwent a major transformation. The Penney location was completely demolished, with the mall building being truncated at the former Penney entrance. In its place, a new Wal-Mart Supercenter was built. The Supercenter replaces an existing standard Wal-Mart (itself a former Woolco location) across the street.

The mall is unique in that it has successfully implemeted a redevelopment plan that now includes a new anchor, Burlington Coat Factory, and is a cornerstone to the redevelopment of the Fairfield-Midfield retail district."
Mall history: late '60s - present
Current website: here
Current aerial view
Info from Wikipedia
Previous entries: none


  1. The mall map doesn't show Burlington Coat. I know that the middle anchor used to be Goody's - this is probably the old Woolworth. I'm betting Burlington is the old Parisian?
