Wednesday, January 03, 2007

MOA Galleria - Northway Mall

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - April, 1964

Shoppers take a shopping break (and grab a bite) at the Oriental Festival restaurant, in Northway Mall (now Shoppes at Northway).

Reminds me of the old cafeterias, grilles, and such, that I grew up with at my local malls and department stores. Woolworth's Harvest House and those aqua-colored Kmart cafeterias come especially to mind for me.

More Northway Mall here: 1, 2, 3

(photo courtesy of The Shoppes at Northway)


  1. gosh i miss these sorta diners

  2. Looks like a couple people at the counter are getting a little impatient. Especially that guy on the end who looks like a dead-ringer for a young Bill Cullen from this distance. Maybe he's got a game show to get back to.

    The ceiling in this place is awfully high -- it makes everything look sort of sparse. Still, it's one of those scenes that makes me want to get in my time machine and visit.

  3. I remember Thrifty Drugs in SoCal had a few of those eaterie, too. One in particular was in South Bay Center in Redondo Beach, CA.

    BTW, I'd faint like a mall fanboy if you bug up anything on the old South Bay Center.
