Saturday, May 19, 2007

Lloyd Center Mall aerial view

Portland, Oregon - circa 1960s

Aerial view of Lloyd Center Mall and surrounding area back in the swingin' sixties. The Banfield Expressway (I-84) is also visible here running just south of the shopping center. A few notes via Wikipedia:
"The mall opened August 1, 1960 in its original 100-store, open-air configuration. At the time it was the largest shopping center in Portland and in the Northwest region, and claimed to be the largest in the world. (Actually, it had already been surpassed by the Lakewood Center [1951] and the Roosevelt Field Mall [1956].) Although very close to the downtown retail core, Lloyd Center was the first major retail development to seriously challenge it, aimed almost exclusively at commuters utilizing Portland's then-growing freeway system.

The original anchor stores were Meier & Frank at the center, Lipman & Wolfe anchoring the west end, and JC Penney and Woolworth anchoring the east. Nordstrom initially opened as shore store in 1963, before expanding into a full-line apparel store incrementally in the mall's west wing."
Mall history: 1960 - present
Current website: here
Info from Wikipedia
Current aerial view
Previous entries: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


  1. This mall has such a rich history as does Portland itself.
