Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Retro Robert Hall Clothing Store Commercial

Here's a nifty old '50s commercial spot for Robert Hall Clothing Stores, and their line of Westerfield all wool flannel suits. Of course, it comes complete with one of their usual catchy ad jingles you can't get out of your head once you've heard it.

Also see this: Retro Mall Video - Robert Hall Fashion Centers


  1. Very dignified ad. Wish my husband would dress up in a 1950s suit and fedora.

  2. I remember Robert Hall.... I found this page by doing a google search. We had a store nearby when I was a kid.

  3. My father worked for Robert Hall, as a buyer in their home office, for 20 years. What's missing is the jingle that goes, "Robert Hall this season, will show you the reason...."

  4. hahaha I remember that commercial, in its epoch was so admired by everyone, even though the technology was not so advanced.
