Sunday, February 11, 2007

MOA Galleria - Nordstrom Shoes

Seattle, Washington - 1976

Woman trying on shoes at a Nordstrom store in 1976.

Edit: spelling correction.

(Study image courtesy of The Seattle Post-Intelligencer)


  1. Did the store later change the spelling to Nordstrom? I think that's how it's spelled here in IL.

  2. The Nordstrom name has gone through various permutations. Before they sold clothing, it was Nordstrom Shoes. Then they merged with Best to be Nordstrom Best, then Best was dropped. I have seen Nordstrom's used, but it is Nordstrom now.

    This picture is probably of a sale, as this type of rack isn't typically used for normal selling.

  3. If you want to find out more about the history, including other name forms, check out I think early on it was Wallin & Nordstrom in the Gold Rush days.

  4. That does look like the clearence shoe rack though. Saw one just like it at Macy's a few weeks ago. Although the prices didn't seem very clearence-esque.

  5. That sure doesn't look like a Nordstrom nowadays. Looks more like your garden variety discount shoe store. Back then that was THE place to get your 501's before Nordy's went global. Those were the days my friend.

  6. Former Nordstrom employee here...that looks like a Nordstrom clearance center (called Nordstrom Rack). The full line stores never sold shoes in that manner. They were always known for service except for the Racks which are product dumping grounds for unsold inventory.

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