Saturday, January 27, 2007

Edison Mall Shopping Center

Fort Myers, Florida - circa 1970s

rather lo-fi shot here, but I really like being able to see Edison Mall's cool and stylish entrance sign in this vintage postcard--alas, they don't make 'em like this anymore. Wish I had a nighttime photo so we could see what it looked like lit up and glowing in the night sky. Bet it was purty.

The mall's Woolworth's store is visible in the center, and a Penneys anchor is just to the right of it. There was a Sears here originally too, as well as a Maas Brothers store. Another wing was added in the 1980s that included Burdines (now Macy's) and Dillard's as anchor stores.

Mall history: 1960s? - present
Current website: here
Current aerial view
Previous entries: 1, 2


  1. Great photo, Burdines became Macys, is every store going to be a Macys?

    Also why do the newer malls not have the grovey signs like they did in the old days?

    The only thing that comes close is the alien space ship thig they built on the front of the Fashion Show Mall in Las Vegas.


  2. Fashion and design which once were the pinnacle of shopping malls in these eras are certainly gone. Now, they seem to be propelled by the individual stores instead of the mall itself.

    Malls and shopping centers today are just becoming even more devoid of original design (especially when malls get sterlized renovations) with "sales per square inch" as their main objective. Evidence of this is whenever you see silly movie posters, egomaniacal mall brands and security measures (like Westfield) and completely irrelevant ads draped over the decor in many centers. Tacky.

    Rant aside, I was at the Edison Mall a long time ago (for me, that's about mid 1990s). I'm not a Florida resident but I remember it vaguely as a one-level center and thats about it.

  3. Just lovin that sign...

  4. That sign is vintage brilliance. Absolutely, positively gorgeous! I am having a sad day so I was glad to see something that brightens things up.

    I would have to say, Kangoon, that in this day and age everything has to be uniform to keep up with the times. I think these malls are afraid of anything looking outdated so they stick to what is simple in terms of decor.

  5. Hello i was wondering if it is possible for me to find photos of the midtown shopping center in los angeles from the 1960s and 70s?
