Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sunrise Mall

Massapequa, New York - 1975

Aquariums inside Sunrise Mall. These were all built and installed in 1975 by Aquarium Network, out of Long Island (photos are courtesy of them). The large viewing tank above is sitting out in the mall proper and is probably very similar to the one I just pointed out recently in a Topanga Plaza entry.

Massapequa, New York - 1975

I'm not exactly sure where the two in the second photo above (90 gallon free standing jobs), were (are?) located in the mall, so my question is, does anyone out there actually remember these tanks in Sunrise Mall, or know if they're still there? I'm betting they aren't, as most malls have now gotten rid of all the cool relics like this from their "vintage" past. But who knows.

For a brief rundown of this mall's history, click here.

Mall history: 1973 - present
Current website: here
Current aerial view
Previous entries: none


  1. I live right there by the sunrise mall (35 years) and can not remember anything like that. I spent
    many a day as young at that mall. it must hae been in some out of the way place. I'm going to check it out today 11/11/06

  2. It looks like an elevator, restroom, or office area. Very fun paneling.

  3. Nice to see one of those large court models up close finally. Normally when you see them in pictures here they're always far away or in shadow.

    I like the paneling too Kristen!

  4. Geez, I couldn't begin to tell you how many hoirs I killed in the old Sunrise mall in Massapequa. I lived in Copiague 18 years until 1986.

    Lot of good memories!

  5. i totally remember those aquariums, esp since they were near the Lane Bryant where my mom shopped a lot in the 70's

  6. Wow, of all your posts, for some reason this one resonates the most with me. There were two malls in our town back in the seventies, with very similar architecture. There weren't any aquariums but rather some landscaped area that looked like desert. The woodwork was virtually identical- the dark, rough-hewn but very clean and modern, look must have been the thing back then. The carpets and seating, again, dead ringers. My memories of those malls are so era-specific because a supermall put them both out of business, slowly and painfully, for the next decade starting right about then.

  7. there are no more aquariums, but there is a pond of sorts filled with koi that has been there since at least the 80s. i wonder if the fish were moved from tanks to ponds? eh, probably not.

  8. I grew up at this mall, and although I'm only 22 now, I do remember a pond on the far right of the mall that not only had fish in it, but at that time, ducks and turtles. For severals after, it was empty, but now it has huge fish in it.

  9. Am I wrong or wasn't the Sunrise Mall in the village of Valley Stream. Did it extend into Massapequa? It was the first 'shopping center' in the area where I lived.

  10. that beauty have an aquarium inside the house or as in the photos looks great in a hotel gives freshness

  11. I was 5 years old when the renovations on Sunrise Mall were finished and I realized, through your pictures, that I still have dreams that take place in Sunrise Mall before the renovations. Weird I know, but thanks for sharing these.

  12. those tanks were in brunswick hospital near the elevators - that wasn’t the mall :)

  13. the fishtanks, the duck ponds & the bird cage w apples the parrot that would spew 4 letter words. And the sculptures at each fountain. This was a popular mall back in the 1970s. First Gap & Specer Gifts on LI. Sad to read what it has becomr.
