Saturday, November 04, 2006

International Malls: Roselands Shopping Centre

Roselands, New South Wales, Australia - 1970 or 71

First there was Snakes on a Plane, I now give you, Planes on a Mall! Heh, there's just no way I can resist posting this picture. It's not often you see airplanes on the roof of a shopping center--in this case, Roselands Shopping Centre (built on the site of a golf course), which was the first shopping mall built in Australia. Here's the photograph's description caption:
"Photo of planes at a promotional event on the roof of the Roselands shopping centre in West Roselands, New South Wales. Photo taken by a relative who said it was taken in 1970 or 1971. The planes shown are a Mustang on the left, Japanese 'Oscar' in the middle, and the wing of a Spitfire on the right."

1 comment:

  1. I'm waiting for Howard Huges to come walking into frame any second now.
