Friday, October 13, 2006

Vintage 1975 Sears Catalog

Sears Catalog - Fall/Winter 1975


  1. Oh yes, this was the fabled catalogue with the one page that led everyone to believe some guy hiked his boxers up all the way to cause such an uproar over what might've been just a spec of dust that got embedded in the negative!

  2. Oh, man...I remember those cheesy plaid jeans. I still resent my Mom for making me wear those.

  3. Damn, I don't think I ever had any plaid jeans. Thank god for that. Saved me a lifetime of resentment. LOL

  4. This picture just SCREAMS 70s.
    It's so obvious. In other news: Sears at one time sold clown pants.

  5. Sears doesn't publish large general catalogs like this anymore, and hasn't for about 15 years. There are a number of specialty catalogs published undeer the Sears Shop at Home banner, but they're not produced or serviced by Sears. The name is licensed to direct marketer Hanover Direct

  6. Pretty much the tradition that most generations of the 20th Century had came to know and love got killed off in the past decade. Sears nowadays is becoming more like step up from Kmart's in my opinion (obvious since they've merged with them anyway).

    And yes, that's what most people have speculated that they'd seen on page 602. Here's a few webpages that bring this up...

  7. I had a pair of plaid pants like that. I dug em!


  8. Yes, that was the rumor - that a guy's hoo-haw was poking out of the leg of his boxers. Rumor claims that hundreds upon hundreds of catalogs were recalled, and many people say they knew someone who cut the offending pages out. According to Snopes, this is undetermined, there IS *something* there but Sears says they never made a fuss over it, claiming it's just a smudge on the photo.

    Those checked pants are just hideous. I love lots and lots of said-to-be-abominable 70s things including wild shades of thick shag, bright orange metal fireplaces, and "mediterranean" decor. But that cute lil' kid is probably *not* happy that he had to wear those. Ick. In the early 80s, my mom gave me a few ickjy fashions, too, like "salt water sandals". Thankfully, I got few really bad items.

  9. what the hell are salt water sandals? Like salt water taffy perhaps?

  10. You've heard of wash & wear? Those are eat & wear.

  11. I have a couple of 1976 Sears sales catalogs. They are great fun to look through when company comes over!

  12. Omg i have some major cute plaid skinny jeans
