Thursday, October 19, 2006

Vintage 1966 Sears Catalog

Sears Catalog - Fall & Winter 1966


  1. I'm pretty sure that's my Christmas dress from when I was three!

  2. Sweet! What really kills me is as recently as 3 years ago I had a complete Sears Catalog from Spring/Summer 1969. Then my wife convinced me to toss it....Drat!

  3. My fiancee was just telling me yesterday that he had an old Sears, I believe the last fully lined one that was printed. He was saving it and saving it until he got tired of keeping it every time he moved it around. So what did he do? He tossed it as well.

  4. Yeah... take a picture of the cover, THEN throw it away! :)

  5. This resonates with me in so many ways. My father worked for Sears as an excellent electronics repairman from 1958-1987, and I was born in '62. A Sears employee discount meant we had a ton of Sears stuff in our home, and the release of the big catalogs -- especially the Christmas one, were an exciting event!

    I miss that logo. It's still excellent and far classier than what they've been using!
