Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Retro Retail Video - Woolworth & Woolco Halloween '76

Woolworth & Woolco Halloween '76

Well, boys and ghouls, I was planning to wait till Halloween night to post this retrolicious video, but I just can't wait that long. It's too cool. :)

This is a vintage Woolworth & Woolco stores TV ad from Halloween of 1976! I found it on YouTube a while back and saved the link, but now it's gone. So here's a backup Google Video version of same. The quality is terrible, but the memories it evokes are too fun to miss.

To me, the absolute best part of this commercial (besides the masks) is the plug for the old '70s Halloween novelty record, Sounds to Make You Shiver!, on the great Pickwick label many of us will remember from our childhoods (especially you fellow monster fans)! This LP was a BIG part of my childhood and I absolutely wore out my copy (got the CD now). It's a real treat (not a trick) to see it mentioned here on TV!

Man I remember as a kid, Woolworth and Woolco stores just flat out rocked around Halloween in the 1970s! I always got all up in their spooky biznatch in those days!


  1. Oh yeah, I have the "Sounds to make you Shiver" on a vinyl rip, very cool stuff indeed! Also got "Dr Druids Haunted seance" which uses both left and right channels. One for Doctor Druid and the other one for the spirits. The idea was to hide the other speaker so that the voice would come from under the table or above you.

  2. Heh, I have that record too. Don't have the "Dr. Druid's Haunted Seance", but it sounds quite interesting.

  3. Keith
    Where in the heck are you getting these old TV commercials- and on videotape! I read on the TV preservation page (I forgot the exact name of the group) that even newscasts fell prey to the trash bin over the years.

    Whomever is saving these commercials has my eternal gratitude. He or she needs to put these on DVD, market them, and preserve them as media wears our or is technologically superseded.

    Sadly videotape has quality loss as oxides fall off the tapes. Film is even worse as it chemically degrades.

    Ah memories. And think; Woolworth would have saved itself if it kept the lunch counter and went the Dollar General route.

