Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Vintage Retail Video: Match Your Mood

Match Your Mood (1968)

Vintage Jam Handy promotional film for Westinghouse refrigerators, with some very cool and groovy '60s home interior shots and mod clothes! Not a shopping mall in sight, but man, it has that weird retro retail vibe that just reminds me of my childhood for some deep, purely emotional reason.

Here's the description from Archive.org: "Promotional film for Westinghouse refrigerator line featuring a system of sticker-like decorations enabling purchasers to style their appliances as they choose. Vague hippie-type flower-power graphics; scenes of mod-dressed middle-class conventional people."

Note: Video is Flash format. If you don't see it, you must temporarily disable your ad-blocking programs.


  1. Fantastic! I love this short. So glad this finally found a home here! Wondered if it ever would. And somehow it even seems to match the very look of this blog too, lol. If you know what I mean.

  2. I have a friend born the year this film was shot and now I understand why she refuses to relive her childhood.

    Although, I loved the clothes everything else was naseous and overly psychodelic at best.

  3. Well, I like it. All of it. Once again, color me weird.

    And thanks, anonymous! I know exactly what you mean and I agree. :)

  4. It did start out as one of those melodramas that used to be on TV. Not much talking, but a lot of emotion expressed through music. But as it went on, you can see the excitement of finally being able to customize your refrigerator. The old non-custom types were a thing of the past. Think of all the possibilities!!!
    The short was truly well done.

  5. Dancing while wallpapering your icebox! Why didn't I think of that (slaps forehead)? As a matter of fact, I have never danced in my kitchen while doing anything.

  6. Wow, great find!
    Funny, I never saw a fridge decorated like this. All I remember were the old white rounded ones and the avocado or brown ones.
