Monday, September 18, 2006

Consuming Women (Women as Consumers)

"Consuming Women (Women as Consumers)" (1967)

Weird little 1967 public domain industrial film, Produced by the Handy (Jam) Organization.

This one, to quote the original description from, is a "strange, highly generalized portrait of the American woman consumer." And that's exactly what it is. Hard to believe they used to make these films, and take them seriously back then, lol. But then, those were much, much different times, as was the social consciousness.

Still, these are sure fun (if not a little painful sometimes) to watch nowadays, and the retro kitsch value is certainly always running very high in them! :D

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  1. Yeah, I just love the vibe of these old films--no matter what they're about. Swanky is definitely the key word for most.

    "Actually, this one isn't that bad regarding its social attitudes"

    Most of the commentators at would disagree with that statement. However, I was thinking along those same lines myself with this one (for the most part).

  2. Cora, are you talking about the wedding dress? Because I would have to agree that it looked awful. Everything else was fine. I especially like that swanky orange-ish one and the emerald green ensamble but that wedding dress was terrible.

  3. Where do you find this stuff? I love it, but have to laugh. This is murder!!!!
