Thursday, September 28, 2006

Big Town Mall

Mesquite, Texas - circa 1960s

I think they were taking a picture of a beautiful sky and the shopping mall got in the way, hehe. But trust me, that is Big Town Mall out there, I swear.

Composition aside, I'm actually hoping to get a better quality version of this postcard down the road. When I do I'll repost a much better shot.

Mall history: 1959 - 2006 (dead)
Current aerial view
Info from Wikipedia
Resource articles: 1, 2, 3, 4
Previous entries: 1


  1. Big Town, Big Sky...
    Another dead mall :(

  2. Aw man... you're gonna make me cry, Scott. (sniffle)

  3. Good pic of Wards. When they were tearing it down, you were able to see the original facade (before the added on to it) with the MW logo, among the wreckage. It looks like they just built around the original building and left what was there - logo and all. A surprise piece of history. Very sad to see this go. :(
