Saturday, July 01, 2006

Walking in a mall in 2020

"The Catalogue - Walking in a mall in 2020"

Could this be the shopping mall experience of the future? Let's hope not. Far from science fiction, the rather chilling scenario shown in this experimental short film by Chris Oakley, is actually a modern age reality that conceivably could be right around the corner the way things are headed.

Say we all eventually get RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips implanted within us like in so many futuristic sci-fi flicks... This is what a simple trip to the mall might be like. Careful, Big Brother is watching!

Note: Video is Flash format. If you don't see it, you must temporarily disable your ad-blocking programs.


  1. woah... strangely surreal feeling! I enjoyed that. Cool find, as always!

  2. Interesting, reminds me of the scene in Minority Report where TC gets personalized ads flashed at him everywhere.

  3. Yes!! I knew it reminded me of something! Thanks Ryan.

  4. Chase Bank for example already has this capability with their new Chase Blink card which is RFID. I refuse to use mine and still use my old one however how long can one hold out?

  5. Do you have another copy?

    I have links to the SAME VIDEO, which has been removed from YouTube...

    Medical Ethics: professionals, torture & the Corporate Occupation of medical community...

    "The Catalogue" film: "Walking in a mall, 2020"

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    ... but wear the Glove!

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