Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Vintage toy commercials

Penneys TV spot - 1970s

Woolco & Woolworth X-mas TV spot - 1980s

Vintage store toy commerials! The Penneys video shows many great ones in their lineup, and the Woolco & Woolworth one is for a cool Tyco racetrack set! Had several of those babies over the years. An annual Christmas gift staple at my house growing up (needed a new one every year to replace the one we got last Christmas and promptly broke within a couple weeks).

No trip to our local malls was ever complete without a stop in Woolworth and Penneys!

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1 comment:

  1. Tyco, does that bring back memories? I had one of those race sets, too. In fact, I think I still have the adaptor and now know what it went to.
