Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Sketches of Frank Gehry

Just thought I'd mention for anyone out there who's like-minded as me, a new film that's currently in limited release (comes out on DVD in August), called Sketches of Frank Gehry, from Sony Pictures Classics. It's a documentary by Sydney Pollack, about the life and work of renowned architect, Frank Gehry, who not only designed a little building called the Guggenheim (you may have heard of it) to name one, but more importantly (to us anyway, hehe), the Santa Monica Place mall, along with many other beautiful buildings.

Anyway, I dig what I see in the trailer above (check out the related interview with Sydney Pollack on this Amazon page, too). Really looks interesting! I'll probably have to wait till next month to see it on DVD myself, but I figured I better mention this movie, since there aren't too many architect movies coming out these days (lol). I'd guess a couple of you here have seen this already, no?

Note: Video is Flash format. If you don't see it, you must temporarily disable your ad-blocking programs.


  1. I am so gonna see this! Love the trailer. Thanks Keith.

  2. Gehry designed the Guggenheim in Bilbau, Spain. Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Guggenheim in New York.

  3. Correct-a-mundo, Steven. The one in Spain.
