Friday, July 21, 2006

Seminole Mall

Seminole, Florida - circa 1970s

Talk about funky (and pukey)! Here's Seminole Mall, in all it's harvest gold/avacado green glory. They sure don't make interiors like this anymore. At least not on purpose. Not the best quality shot, but it's all I have at the moment and I wanted to post it. There's an interesting 2002 article on this mall and its struggles to stay afloat, right here, if anyone's interested.

Mall history: 1970 - present
Current website: here
Current aerial view
Previous entries: none


  1. Woolco! I remember Woolco! I remember going to the one where we lived in south GA all the time when I was a "young 'un." I also remember going there one Halloween and there were some kind of witch and frankenstein and mummy puppet things in the middle of this square display and said characters totally freaking me out. Such things can really frighten a child of three or four! From what I remember about the interior though, they were basically like your modern day Target or Wally World in that they had everything under one roof. Makes me drift off to another time and place and remember a little store called TG&Y too...

  2. Wow, that was about the worse mall Web site I've ever visited. I even tried to look at the site plan of the mall and got an internal server error. Validates the "stuggling" part you mentioned. It's too bad.

  3. Wow! I'm glad they don't decorate malls like this anymore too. What were people thinking when they decided to use colors like gold and avocado green to decorate places like this...and probably their own homes too!

  4. Try this for the site plan: Doesn't look like there are very many vacancies, actually... they certainly aren't Class A tenants, though.

    Those murals seem to be a sort of history lesson about the local area... they remind me of some of the old WPA-commissioned murals that you'll see in public buildings built in the '30s. I would imagine they've been painted over, which is a shame. And once the history lesson is done, look up and get a science lesson from the amoeba-shaped pattern on the ceiling! :-)

  5. Thanks for the StoreTraxx info. I love malls this size! Too bad for the concrete floor and drop ceiling. Makes it look cheap. However the murals, which are awesome, do look WPA-ish. I wonder if they are still there.

  6. I love the Woolco and murals, but this place looks like 10 miles of bad road.

  7. The lesson for today is How do Woolworths and Woolco differ? Both have the same prefix but different merchandise. Please write your answer in complete sentences and hand in when you are finished. If you finish early please put your head down or read.

  8. The reason for the ugly colors is to remind you your going to be carsick on the ride home.

  9. What was the teen girls clothes store next to Foxmoore (across from McCrory)?????

  10. Seminole County has taken seriously developing its trails for both recreation and transportation.

    Seminoles T Shirts

  11. I'm editor of the Seminole Beacon and I'm working on a story about the Seminole Mall's history. The property has been bought by developers and they're currently demolishing the old mall. They'll be building an outdoor mall in its place. Where did you find this old photo of Seminole Mall and would I have permission to use it?


