Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Dadeland Mall

Miami, Florida - circa 1962

Here's another aerial photograph of Dadeland Mall, but this one from a few years earlier than the one I just posted a couple days ago. This is a shot of the mall around the time it first opened in '62 (notice the growth changes in the 1975 photo).

Miami, Florida - circa 1975

And how 'bout let's time travel back to the future (heh), to 1975, and go inside, shall we? Vintage yet decidedly modern looking interior photo (thanks to Alex, for both great image finds here!).

History: 1962 - present
Current website: here
Current aerial view
Info from Wikipedia
Previous entries: 1


  1. I really enjoy this picture. Thanks to whoever submitted it! Check out the young couple window shopping. The poor guy probably wanted to be elsewhere (Oh, no! Please don't drag me into another shoe store, dahling). And the Pierre Cardin men's store is great as well. Thanks again!

  2. I love coming to this website and seeing malls I've been to!
    When I was 5 (about the time this picture was taken), my mom and grandmother took me and my siblings to the Jordan Marsh. It was at Christmas time, we saw Santa and got some speckled helium balloons!
    Thanks again for the trip down memory lane!

  3. A great picture, but are you sure this picture is Dadeland? I was spending alot of time there in the 70s, and I don't remember either of these stores.

  4. I never remembered a Royal Ascot Gifts at Dadeland either. Amazing that nobody has more pics of such a popular mall those of us who grew up here remember!

  5. I'm not sure this is circa 1962. It has to be after 1969 at the earliest. In '62, the mall hadn't yet been enclosed as it is in the photo, and the then-Dadeland Shopping Center didn't yet have the parking garage structure in the rear center, nor had the expansion past Burdine's happened yet, as depicted in the photo. Great photo though.

  6. I believe this is from the Omni mall- I've seen some other pictures from there with this couple.
