Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Vintage Monroeville Mall TV spot

I uploaded this to YouTube to share here. A vintage 1970's TV commercial for Monroeville Mall, the rural shopping mall in Pennsylvania where the original George A. Romero horror film (my favorite movie of all time), DAWN OF THE DEAD (1979) was shot. I'm guessing this commercial may actually date from 1969 or '70, around the time the mall opened. Not 100% sure, though.

Mall history: 1969 - present
Current website: here
Current aerial view


  1. And to think that looked "modern" and "in style" at one time. Love it!

    Might Yellow Submarine have influenced the artist(s)?

  2. That commercial spot appeared on the old Dawn Of The Dead Image LD ANNV edition from almost ten years ago. I still own that LD. Although Romero himself directed TV commercials for years, I don't know if he made that one, but I've always enjoyed it. Thanks for posting it!


  3. Grew up about 15 minutes from the Monroeville Mall and even skated a few times in the center ice rink that was removed in the early 80's for a food court.

    The only comment though, I wouldn't classify Monroeville as rural. It is located about fifteen miles outside Pittsburgh is a very suburban environment.

  4. Wow, I just spent 4 hours on YouTube and forgot what I was going to say...

  5. very dissapointing...there was no footage of the actual mall as well

  6. Exactly, Cora! Yes, I too wish it contained actual footage of the mall back then, but heck, it still drips lots of coolness all the same.

    Chris: Good point! It does have a Yellow Submarine-ish look to it now that you mention it! Actually, this spot kinda scares me a little with its weird vibe, but that's another story. lol

    PJ: Glad you liked it. No, you're right, Romero certainly did not direct this spot, but how cool would that be if he had?!

    SB said: "The only comment though, I wouldn't classify Monroeville as rural. It is located about fifteen miles outside Pittsburgh is a very suburban environment."

    Yeah, NOW. But my context for the entry was the vintage-era MM, not now. Back when the mall first opened, and even up to '77 when the movie was shot there, I believe the area was much more rural in those days, was it not? I've read and heard it described that way when they were shooting there. Eh, either way. It's a cool mall (especially back then), I know that much. :)

    BIGMallrat said: "Wow, I just spent 4 hours on YouTube and forgot what I was going to say..."

    Ha! Happens to me all the time, man.

  7. WOW! I digs me some of that old early 70's photo collage work that advertisers used. I'm not going even ask HOW you got it, just hoping there's more coming soon.


  8. Talk about age of aquaris. I diffently find this ad kind of funny today but back then it was cool. Far out man!!!

  9. Anyway to contiue had you seen videos of that big brawl that took place there after christmas of 2014, man it was wild. I swear it look like Dawn Of The Dead 78' all over agian. Funny because this was the mall where that film was filmed.
