Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Westland Center

Westland, Michigan - 1960's

If that aint Heaven, I'd sure like to know what is.

Westland's current website.


  1. Nice atrium shot. Even with all the lighting, to me it still has that dark look malls of the past used to have.

  2. Well... you always know what time it is with that giant clock.
    Looking at the current directory map on their Website, I'm having trouble reconciling where this picture may have been taken. Since the directory shows a second level (listed as "lower level") only near the Marshall Fields, I'm figuring that is it. However, the full mall is considered the "upper level." Anyone know for sure?

  3. I live pretty close to that mall. That's definitely near Marshall Fields on the upper level (the White Barn Candle Co. store awning gives it away). Even though the map doesn't show it, Marshall Fields has four stories, including the lower level. There stairwells from the second floor of Marshall Fields to the main mall floor on two sides of the store.

  4. I got busted trying to take pennies out of a fountain that was located in one of the department stores that was below and to the right of that clock. Can't remember the stores name. Santa used to set up right below that staircase.

  5. That store would have been hughes and hatcher....
    That fountain was located in their lower level.
    The picture was taken from the second floor by the elevator.
    Hudson's now Macys had 4 floors. I think the basement is now closed. But the actual mall is all one level.
    There was a small lower level of the mall that was connected to the basement level of Hudson's but is now a womens fitness center.
