Friday, September 09, 2005

Mall Madness! Shopping Mall boardgames

"Mall Madness", the shopping boardgame to end all shopping boardgames! Below are a few shots of the classic teen shopping game, along with a few others you may or may not have ever heard of. After many requests, I figured I'd finally post this. For I've found (like the siren call of the shopping mall) resitance is futile.

Back in the '80s my younger sister, a rabid teen shopaholic (the exact demographic Milton Bradley was targeting), forced my two brothers and I to play this game with her more times than I care to admit, so I got to know it quite well--for better or worse. Mall Madness was a "talking" game that played very annoying (to me and my brothers anyway) audio clips throughout a game.

I so clearly remember that monotonous "choong-choong!" sound the cash register made over and over and over, and the soothing female robotic mall "speaker" announcements: "there's a sale at the FASHION BOUTIQUE". To this day, on occasion, my brothers and I still maniacally blurt out lines from the game that drove us nuts: "Wooowee! Lines' too long! Try again later!". Trust me, once it gets inside your head, it's all over for you.

(original 1989 box I knew so well)

(updated '90s box)

(current Bratz-look version)

Various other shopping boardgames







  1. And just think, if it hadn't been for your sister, maybe this blog wouldn't have existed...

  2. Keith!! Can you post some sound clips of the electronic mall game thing? sounds great.

  3. And now I'm kicking myself for getting rid of my West Edmonton Mallopoly game.

  4. I had Bargain Hunter, up until a few months ago when my Mom moved and cleared out her basement. Oh well.

  5. I guess in a few years Mall Madness will be called, "Lifestyle Center Madness"

  6. My friend bought the 90s versian of Mall Madness at a Thirft Store a few yrs back. There we were in our early 20s playing the game as two ten yrs old.

  7. hey! me and my sister used to play mall madness a lot when we were younger. i can do a mean impression of pretty much any voice on the talking box. and the quote is actually, if i remember correctly, "ooooh long line...try again later!"
