Thursday, July 28, 2005

Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center

Waikiki, Hawaii - Early 80's

"Where Aloha Comes Alive!" Now THAT is a beautiful fountain! Yeah, I have to admit, this does look like Paradise. Current website.


  1. If that caption said "Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center, yesterday" I would have believed you. Hawaii is the one place where the garish, over-the-top shopping center lives on.

  2. Good Lord! It's like Elvis's jungle room, writ large. Awesome.

  3. Jon: I hear it's still like that in the UK, too. Nice to think there are at least a few Lands that Time Forgot places still out there somewhere! Oddly comforting for me. Heh.

    And Chris, my man, you took the words right out of my mouth--literally! That was a line I planned to use in a post sometime, since it could apply to so many, and that's exactly the best way to describe some of these wicked interiors! :D That thought comes to mind a lot whilst browsing my collection.

    Which is also prolly why I dig these shots so much, too. I happen to be in love with Elvis' Jungle Room and the whole rest of Graceland! The basement TV Room is quite the sight as well! I love it all (and yes, I may marry it).

  4. Great link, Chris! Thanks for that! Graceland, in all its still-stuck-in-the-seventies beauty, remains my ultimate dream home.

    Been there in person a few times, too, and it rocks like Elvis.

  5. 1980,maybe.

    RHSC was not built in the 60's nor 70's.

    The strip mall that was there, now that was funky.

  6. this water feature and everything else that was old about the RHSS is gone. you wont reconize the place...its all been demolished and changed
