Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Malls of America on TV!

I was very pleasantly surprised to discover yesterday (Tuesday) that this humble little blog was on the tube this week! Yep, it appeared on the G4/TechTV cable channel on Monday (why didn't anyone tell me this?), as one of the beautiful, Sarah Lane's, "Gems of the Internet" segment on the ATTACK OF THE SHOW program! I'm truly honored and jazzed about this, and want to send out a heartfelt thank-you to Sarah for digging this blog and choosing it for the show! What can I say, the girl has great taste. :)

If anyone would like to see the segment (all 30 seconds of it), it will air again next on July 3rd @11am on G4.

Thanks to everyone out there who have been passing this blog around (you know who you are). I really appreciate it! Let's continue to hang out here together, in the internet's first climate-controlled, air-conditioned blog! It's a great way to beat the summer heat!

Why shop anywhere else when the sales are a-poppin' right here!


  1. Thanks, Bekkah! Don't worry, my earth shoes are firmly planted to the sticky mall floor. :)

    Fun blog you have there, btw! I enjoyed exploring it. Really cool that you mentioned Brian Regan, too. He's one of my absolute faves as well! He and Dane Cook are two of the funniest comedians working today, in my book!

  2. LOL! Good stuff, Bekkah! Thanks.

    And Sarah Lane, if you're out there and you read this, please say hi! So I can feel, like, important and junk. :)

  3. Lucky You,
    I did get an email once...
    A Long Long Long, Well you get the point

    It was from somone, cant remember who and you could tell it was all "Pre-Wrote" and it said something about "Your website was a close call for a spot on tv" or something like that from TSS (What AOTS use to be, kinda).

    Well, That websites gone...
    Too Bad...

    {End dots now}
