Saturday, May 12, 2007

MOA Galleria - Northway Mall Ball

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - 1964

Vintage photo of folks dancing inside Northway Mall during some special event in 1964. I couldn't resist also including the still below, from one of my favorite weird movies, Carnival of Souls (1962). When I saw the Northway Mall picture, I instantly thought of this scene from the movie (yes, I'm strange like that)...

Carnival of Souls - 1962

But mainly I just dug the idea that these people (in the first pic) were actually ballroom dancing inside Northway Mall! Something kind of odd looking (and spooky) about that scene. I doubt the mall does this anymore, though, heh.

Mall history: 1962 - present
Current website: here
Info from Wikipedia
Current aerial view
Previous entries: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

(Study image courtesy The Shoppes at Northway)


  1. Wow, you're right, that DOES resemble Carnival of Souls! (One of my favorite movies, too.)

  2. Movies and malls, they mix so well together!!!

    No more ballroom dances in malls, I can assure you. KInda sad that no one dresses up at malls anymore and dances elegantly in front of Florshiem Shoes.

  3. I gotta say, that is a brilliant (and hilarious) comparison!!! :-D

  4. Love this movie, too! It was actually on IFC today, and even tho I own it I always watch movies I love on television

    Used to love shopping at this mall back in the day, was always fascinated by the birdcage :-)

    Thanks for a great website!
