Sunday, April 08, 2007

Lincoln Road Mall Night Shopping

Miami Beach, Florida - circa 1960s(?)

Not an enclosed shopping mall photo, but an outdoor one that I had to post, just because it looks so darn nice. Here's a beautiful nighttime view of the historic Sterling Building and storefront, on the famous Lincoln Mall pedestrian shopping district, in Miami Florida. And dig that nifty looking lighted sculpture thingie! I'd give anything to have one of those for my front lawn, wouldn't you?

I believe this photograph dates to somewhere in the mid to late '60s or so, but I'm not positive of the exact year. See the previous entry below for another nice Lincoln Road Mall picture.

Current aerial view
Info from Wikipedia
Previous entries: 1


  1. It is really beautiful. I used to live on Lenox, just one block off of Lincoln Road. It was a nifty place to live.

  2. Very modernist.

  3. It's my understanding that the mall was designed by Morris Lapidus who did a lot of other cool modernist stuff around Miami in the 50's. He introduced such items as "woggles" and "bean poles" to the modernist vocabulary. He also had an incredible knack for "staging" in his buildings based on his retail design experience.

  4. Cool. Thanks for the background. that really explains it.

  5. That sculpture reminds of those old post top canopy lamps that used to be in mall parking lots.

    you know the type of lighting seen in this picture (I know it's a flood picture but its the best I could find,Enfield Mall still has that type of lighting so I went looking for a pic that showed its parking lot lights,yeah I know I'm a bit obsessed with every detail of older malls)

    These look a lot like the lights the former Waterbury mall had.
