Saturday, September 23, 2006

Retro Retail Video: Sears Freeze-In

Freeze-In (1969)

Um... Wow. This vintage Sears training film is pretty dang goofy, lol! I mean, really. But, once again, you just gotta dig the cheesy, groovy vibe of it all--not to mention all the crazy colors, music, and clothes!

Here's the video description: "Made for Sears appliance salesmen, this film tries to capitalize on the zany format of TV's Laugh-In, to introduce the new Kenmore freezer campaign. Even though the film features two of the stars from Laugh-In - Arte Johnson and Judy Carne - it is clear that the director of this ephemeral gem missed the point."

And thank god, he did, I say! Enjoy. :D

Note: Video is Flash format. If you don't see it, you must temporarily disable your ad-blocking programs.


  1. Very interesting...

    ...but excrutiatingly dated!

  2. Of course it's dated, but then, ha, that's the whole point of this blog! All the mall pictures are excrutiatingly dated too. But in a good way. :D

    These old ephemera videos just knock me out.

  3. Maybe it was a training video intended to reach an audience on psychadelic drugs.

  4. Whoa...I'm pretty much at a loss for words. All I know is that I never saw any videos like this when I worked at Rich's...

  5. Is that the guy from Laugh-In? I forgot his name, he played the nazi soldier

  6. I can't believe this was a training video. The sexuality in this film is just too risque for "training"

  7. To Anonymous #2: Yes, that is the guy from Laugh-In. Geez, I'm only 19 and I know that was Arte Johnson!

    As for this film... wow, that is crazy. Couldn't they have worked the word "bippy" in there somewhere?

  8. Thanks Bobby, you must have been watching the Laugh-In reruns like I was on the now extinct TRIO channel. I guess it was the precursor to SNL.
