Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hilldale Shopping Center

Madison, WI - 1960's

From Wikipedia: "Hilldale Shopping Center, also known simply as Hilldale, is a partially enclosed shopping mall in Madison, Wisconsin. Hilldale has two anchor stores, Macy's and Sentry Foods, and over 50 specialty stores. Hilldale was recently acquired by Joseph Freed and Associates LLC and is currently undergoing a major redevelopment/expansion.

The mall opened on October 25, 1962 with a Gimbels anchor store. In 1986 the Gimbels was converted to a Marshall Field's and was renamed Macy's in 2006. Hilldale underwent its first expansion in 1969, then again in 1985, and was renovated in 1997. Hilldale is currently being extensively renovated and expanded, with the first phases to be completed in 2006."

Mall history: 1962 - present
Current website: here
Current aerial view
Info from Wikipedia
Resource articles: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Previous entries: none


  1. Redevelopment means put townhouses in the parking lot? Who'd want to live in a mall parking lot? Well, maybe us mall fanatics.
    I wish they had a mall directory on their Website. This design is unique and unlike what you'd find today. Thanks for posting it!

  2. I haven't been to Hilldale in at least ten years, but this is a unique "smaller" mall that housed several more upscale stores. I loved Field's at this mal! It was easily accessible from the parking lot. It's in a nice area too- not too snobby either.

  3. Quite an eye-popping aerial around an area I used to know well. I love this one!

  4. I missed my chance to visit this mall a feew years ago. I regret it. It seems like a cool place.

  5. The aerial view link is wrong. Try this link instead.
