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Monday, December 05, 2005
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I sent this to my parents, and got this back from my Dad: "[This] is not for a mall! This is a good OLD style shopping center. There was no enclosed shopping mall in Frederick."
Ah, in my mind, John, a Shopping Center is still close enough. :) It's all along the same lines for our purposes.
Besides, many of today's "malls" were actually called "shopping centers" originally, before they all started adopting the more modern-day "shopping mall" term. So shopping center is pretty interchangeable here. A lot of "malls" are still also referred to as shopping centers today (interchangeably), in fact. It's all good.
Plus, in the end, it's all about the overall vibe, my man!
I grew up near this mall! As I remember it there were two malls in Frederick and when I was really little my grandmom used to take me shopping there. There was a mall that she referred to as the "New Mall" and one that was the "Old Mall". I'm pretty sure the "New Mall" was named Francis Scott Key Mall. The "Old Mall" was, to my little kid mind, really strange and antique looking, very small and not much to keep me interested. The "New Mall" I remember had these large orange, red and yellow plastic discs probably about six or eight feet around instead of benches, they stick out in my mind because they always reminded me of candy. I was probably being taken there around 1979-1986 so my guess is that it must have been built in the 70s. I had totally forgotten about that place, thanks for reminding me you totally brought back a ton of kid memories i forgot i had...
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